Welcome to Warrior 360

Like most students, you probably have tons of questions about how to maximize your college experience. Warrior 360 is a program Wayne State created to partner with you and ensure campus connections, community, skill building, and holistic support through every step of college from your very day through your walk across the graduation stage. As a member of our community, you will be paired with a professional success coach and a peer success partner.  

Professional success coaching invites you to a thought-provoking, reflective process that helps you maximize your personal and professional potential. Success coaches encourage your agency and individuality; they help you focus on setting goals, academic advancement, well-being and managing the many personal changes that come with the college experience.

A success partner is an experienced student leader who engages with you through one-on-one interactions and group meetings. Success partners are knowledgeable guides and thoughtful facilitators who provide access to resources and ultimately serve as role models who advocate for your success.

When you pledge to join our community of leaders, we invite you to a series of pre-first year experiences which will ensure that you begin your college journey as prepared as possible.

If you have any questions, need support or would like to learn more, please reach out to our team of college experts! Email us at 360@wayne.edu or give us a call at (313) 577-6360.



Elisha Little

Elisha Little

Marketing and management senior

My mentor is Dwight and he drops a lot of gems on me almost every week. My favorite, however, was to come up with alternatives to things I didn’t like. If I couldn’t come up with any adequate alternatives, I would just have to push through and find a way to make it work for me. He said, “you won’t like everything you have to do, but you still need to do it well.”